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Join [NOTE]: is a moderated list; it will take some time for your message to be approved. To leave a feedback, use the reply to this message Thanks for your message. If you have posted the list archives with which you wish to have membership privileges, please give your full name and send a copy of your member list. You may also include any other details you wish us to know in order to assign membership privileges. Satisfaction Guarantee If you are not happy with your membership privileges, please contact us within 60 days of your initial registration. For administrative reasons, we may need to have your e-mail address. If you do not want to continue receiving e-mails from us, please reply to this message with the word Remove in the subject line. We will then remove your membership from the list. You must be a registered member of the xles-users mailing list to participate in these e-mail announcements. Dear xles-users mailing list community, This is a reminder to all users of the [] mailing list to respond to this reminder as soon as possible. As stated in the XLeS-Users [1], this is an official announcement from the XLeS-Users list, but some of you may not have received it. For this reason, please be sure that you receive this message in your xles-users mailbox if you want to be part of the list. This e-mail was sent to on 2014-08-01. We are looking for xles users from all over the world who could serve as the Convener of the International XLeS-Users’ Meeting 2015 in Montpellier (France). As you may know, it will take place from July 5th to 8th 2015. More details about the meeting will be given later, but for now, we just want to solicit those who are interested in being the Convener of the Meeting. The role of the Convener is to organise and run the conference, at least during the conference itself. He/she can also help us put together the post-conference activities, such as the program, the program committee, and the published proceedings 01e38acffe Category:Lists of people by nickname Category:Alphabetical lists of people Category:American Jews Category:American people of German-Jewish descent Category:American people of Lithuanian-Jewish descent Category:American television hosts Category:Jewish American writers Category:Jewish American comedians Category:The Howard Stern Show Category:The Howard Stern Show Category:Stern family Category:The Young and the Restless Category:Living people Category:1954 births Category:Male actors from Los AngelesQ: C#, XNA, Interop.Direct3D 10: Getting the program to wait for a keypress I am working on a small application that is using interop.direct3d to access the input device. This is the first application I have written, and I am having trouble with a KeyPress event. This is the code I am using: public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { InputManager.GetCurrentInputDevice().KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown); })); } The problem I am having is that I can't seem to get the program to wait for a keypress before proceeding. For example, if I start the game and press a key, it immediately executes the OnKeyDown function. I have tried using WaitOne() and WaitOneSecond() with no luck. The only way I can make it work is if I put a time.sleep(1) before each call to OnKeyDown, and then just repeatedly call the Update() function. However, this is not a nice solution. I have also tried placing the "OnKeyDown" function in the Form_KeyDown event handler, but this is not working either. A: The direct3d device has a small internal event queue. Any events that aren't handled in this queue will be ignored. You must arrange for your KeyDown event to be handled at a time when there is no event in the queue. The API is a bit difficult to follow, and it's difficult to know what could be getting in the queue. I suggest you stop processing events until a valid one comes in. Something like this: public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { bool last =

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